You will need to know the following knots before proceeding with the the more advanced knots in the second section:
Bowline with a Yosemite Tie Off Always tighten the bowline before the tie off, see YouTube video below.
Use **CAUTION** when using the Yosemite Tie Off, YouTube video
Bowline-on-the-Bight knot **A CAUTION**; by Pete Knite
Bowline-on-the-Bight knot round II **A CAUTION**; by Pete Knite
Snap Portuguese Bowline
Double Loop Bowline with a Double Sheet Bend
Double Loop Bowline with a Double Sheet Bend and Forward Facing Bight
Double Loop Bowline with a Aft Facing Bight with a Clove Hitch
Inline Bowline Around an Object
Triple Loop Bowline with a Double Sheet Bend
Never Ring Load an Inside Bowline

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